Recently, Scientists discovered that Viagra, the popular sexual enhancement drug, works by targeting and stimulating certain enzymes responsible for the production of a ‘MIRACLE GAS’, known as Nitric Oxide (NO for short), that occurs naturally in the body.

Beyond increased sexual performance, it has been established that NO plays a critical role in dozens of physiological processes that produce quantum effects throughout our body, including increased physical energy, improved cognition and brain power, reversal of biological aging, increased endurance and exercise performance, to mention only a few.

More interesting and exciting fact. We can naturally increase production of nitric oxide by up to 1,500% (15 times) simply by humming at particular sound frequencies.

Sounds too good to be true?

See link below to one of many studies supporting the wonders of this natural elixir, which some scientists have declared as the fountain of youth. As a Human Systems Hacker, I have used this stimulation technique, and many more, on myself and clients, with mind-blowing results.

As part of Natural Intelligence Systems and Human Systems Hacking, I have developed dozens of easy-to-follow protocols for systematically optimizing NO, so anyone can achieve quantum effects in the brain, body and mind. These and many more will be unveiled during the launch, starting from November 1.

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Yours, on the journey to becoming Superhuman!

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